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We all carry biases, conscious or unconscious, that can build barriers and create inequities in the workplace. The work of diversity, equity, and inclusion requires all of us to disrupt those biases, and the longstanding customs and practices in the industry, in order to achieve real, lasting change. 

This work is not easy to do, but don’t worry, we’re in this together. Explore the Inclusion Playbook below.

Animated black and white logo for the Inclusion Playbook.

We view this as an evolving document that we will update and change over time. Although the Playbook can’t address every question or concern that may arise in the creative and hiring process, it offers tools and resources to guide decision making. Given that some of the language in this Playbook may be new or unfamiliar, we suggest reading over the Think Tank for Inclusion & Equity factsheet to improve your familiarity with these topics.

The ultimate goal of every production should be to build a talent pool and hire individuals with skill sets that enable them to execute on the story on time and within budget. This isn’t about “giving people a chance”; it’s about hiring the best and most qualified person for the job taking into account both their work and lived experiences.

Icon of decision making
Question icon
Search icon showing a magnifying glass
Curiosity icon showing a brain inside a lightbulb

Make Inclusive Decisions

while telling authentic stories and hiring the best people for the job

Know where to go for help

including tools to make
inclusive decisions

Identify Criteria 

for making informed and
consistent creative choices

Foster Curiosity

and ask questions to disrupt the status quo about “how things are done” or expectations about what storytellers want/do not want

What will this Playbook do?

The Playbook is designed to minimize and disrupt biases.

Amazon Studios worked closely with Dr. Stacy Smith and Dr. Katherine Pieper of USC’s Annenberg Inclusion Initiative, and with Brenda Robinson of the International Documentary Association and Gamechanger Films on the creation of the Policy and Playbook. The Studio also consulted with leading organizations devoted to advancing the visibility and responsible depictions of underrepresented people.

"Amazon Studios has long prioritized telling innovative and inclusive stories from a diverse range of creative talent, delighting our global audiences. We wanted to move beyond good intentions to creating mechanisms that hold us accountable to a high bar. This Inclusion Policy and Inclusion Playbook adds important, additional depth and guidance for our internal teams and external partners to ensure we continue to advance our shared mission of amplifying the best creatives and content around the world."

Portrait of Latasha Gillespie.

Latasha Gillespie

Head of DEIA, Amazon Studios, Prime Video, IMDb

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